
Can You Eat Papaya When You Have Cough? | You Should Know It 2024

Can You Eat Papaya When You Have Cough: Coughing is one of the most common symptoms of respiratory tract infections. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, asthma, heartburn, smoking, air pollution, and other irritants. While coughing helps clear your airways, constant coughing can be uncomfortable and disrupt your daily life. If you have an annoying cough that won’t go away, you may wonder if certain foods can provide relief or if some should be avoided. One such food is papaya. So, can you eat papaya when you have a cough? Let’s find out.

Does papaya have any benefits for people with a cough?

Yes, papaya has many properties that can benefit people with a cough in the following ways:

  1. Helps thin out mucus

Papaya contains the enzyme papain which helps break down proteins. This can help thin out thick mucus secretions and make coughs more productive in expelling phlegm from the lungs and airways. The antioxidants in papaya such as vitamin C and vitamin A also support respiratory health.

  1. Soothes sore throats

The soft, smooth texture of papaya flesh can help soothe irritation and discomfort in the throat often associated with coughs. Papaya flesh essentially coats the throat providing a soothing relief.

  1. Provides vitamin C

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C providing over 200% of your daily needs in one cup. Vitamin C has antioxidant and immune-boosting properties that can help fight infections that cause coughs. The vitamin C in papaya can also help make coughs more productive.

  1. Fights inflammation

Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease inflammation in the respiratory tract caused by infections. Conditions like bronchitis involve swollen airways which papaya’s enzymes like papain can help reduce.

  1. Improves digestion

The enzymes in papaya also promote better digestion which can have a positive effect on coughs caused by acid reflux. Poor digestion allows stomach acids to irritate the throat and trigger coughing. Papaya improves gut health.

  1. Clears congestion

Congestion and excess mucus are common with respiratory tract infections involving coughs. Papaya thins out mucus secretions, reducing congestion in the sinuses and lungs allowing you to breathe and sleep better.

So in summary, the vitamin C, antioxidants, enzymes, anti-inflammatory effects, and soothing texture of papaya can all help relieve coughs and cough-related symptoms. It is generally safe to eat when you have a cough.

Why Eating Papaya in Winter is Good For You

While papaya is available year-round, it can be particularly beneficial to add more of this healthy tropical fruit to your diet during the winter months for the following reasons:

  1. Boosts immunity

Papaya is packed with vitamin C, providing over 200% of your recommended daily intake in just one cup. Vitamin C is crucial for immune system function which becomes especially important in the winter when coughs, colds and flu are more prevalent.

  1. Fights inflammation

The enzymes in papaya, especially papain, and chymopapain, have anti-inflammatory effects which can help reduce respiratory inflammation associated with coughs, sore throats, and congestion.

  1. Breaks down mucus

The winter is the high season for upper respiratory tract infections which involve excess mucus production. The enzymes in papaya are effective at thinning out mucus secretions making winter coughs more productive.

  1. Clears sinuses

Sinus infections and resulting sinus congestion are common in winter with allergies and colds. Papaya’s ability to thin out mucus can provide sinus relief allowing you to breathe easier.

  1. Protects against colds and flu

Eating foods high in antioxidants like papaya can help fend off colds and flu in the winter by boosting immunity before you get sick. The vitamin A in papaya also promotes respiratory tissue health.

  1. Provides vitamin C

Because vitamin C is water soluble and not stored in the body, it’s important to get enough daily. Papaya is an excellent source of this essential vitamin which has immunity-enhancing effects to guard against winter bugs.

  1. Improves digestion

The enzymes papain and chymopapain support better digestion and gut health. Healthy digestion is key to overall well-being and immune defenses during winter.

  1. Warms the body

Papaya was used traditionally in indigenous cultures of Central America to help warm the body. The fruit provides a warming effect that can be beneficial during cold winters.

  1. Lowers inflammation

Chronic inflammation increases during winter as people stay indoors more. Papaya’s ability to lower inflammation can help counteract this effect for better health.

  1. Improves mood

Papaya contains antioxidants and nutrients that boost mood. This can help counteract the increased risk of winter blues and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

In summary, papaya is a nutritious fruit that provides a range of benefits ideal for the winter season when immunity, inflammation, and respiratory health are especially important. Consider adding this healthy tropical fruit to your diet as temperatures get colder.

Is It Safe to Eat Papaya When You Have A Cough Or Cold?

For most people, it is perfectly safe to eat papaya when you have a cough or cold. In fact, papaya has many properties that can support your recovery. Here are some key considerations on the safety of papaya when sick with a respiratory infection:

  • Vitamin C– Papaya is an excellent source of immune-boosting vitamin C. When you have a viral infection like a cold or flu, vitamin C can help shorten its duration and severity.
  • Papain enzyme– This protein-digesting enzyme found in papaya can help thin out excess mucus associated with coughs and colds. By clearing congestion, papaya improves airflow and makes coughs more productive.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects– Compounds in papaya like lycopene and vitamin C help reduce inflammation involved in coughs and sore throats without the side effects of medications.
  • Soothes sore throat– The soft, smooth texture of papaya flesh can coat and help numb sore throats providing relief from coughing and constant throat clearing.
  • Promotes sleep– The congestion of colds and coughs can disrupt sleep. Papaya helps clear sinuses and thin mucus allowing for better rest.
  • Easy to swallow– When sick, the soft texture of papaya flesh makes it easier to swallow than fruits with more fibrous flesh or tough peels.
  • Nutritional support– The vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in papaya provide nutritional support to counter the effects of illness and aid healing.

However, some people may want to avoid papaya when sick only if they have certain rare allergies to papaya or latex. Otherwise, most people can safely eat papaya to take advantage of its beneficial properties when unwell with respiratory tract infections involving a cough or cold symptoms.

What Are The Benefits Of Papaya And Honey For Cough?

Combining papaya and honey creates a natural cough syrup that can provide soothing relief. Here are some of the top benefits this mixture offers:

  • Soothes sore throats– Honey coats and papaya flesh soothe irritation and discomfort that triggers coughing. This provides immediate short-term relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects– The vitamin C in papaya and antioxidants in raw honey reduce swelling and inflammation involved in coughs and sore throats.
  • Thins mucus– Enzymes in papaya called papain and chymopapain help break down mucus making it easier to expel through coughing.
  • Relieves coughs– The light sweetness of honey makes papaya easier to eat. The vitamin C and enzymes thin out mucus reducing coughing episodes.
  • Improves sleep– By loosening mucus and quieting coughs, honey and papaya can improve sleep quality when sick.
  • Soothes sinuses– Both honey and papaya have decongestant effects to relieve sinus pressure and drainage from colds.
  • Boosts immunity– Vitamin C in papaya and antioxidants in local honey provide immune system support to help you recover faster.
  • Fights infection– Honey has antimicrobial properties that protect against bacteria and viruses that cause respiratory tract infections with coughs.
  • Increases hydration– Honey helps improve fluid intake which thins out mucus and keeps respiratory membranes lubricated to minimize coughing.
  • Improves taste– The sweetness of raw honey balances out the mild taste of papaya making this cough remedy more palatable.

For best results, eat fresh papaya and use unprocessed, unpasteurized honey to maximize these synergistic effects. The combination forms a natural cough elixir.

What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Papaya?

While nutritious and beneficial in moderation, eating too much papaya can cause some undesirable effects including:

  • Digestive issues– Too much fiber in overripe papaya can cause bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and other digestion problems.
  • Blood sugar spikes– The natural sugars in very ripe papaya can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics.
  • Carotenemia– Excessive intake of yellow and orange-colored produce like papaya results in an accumulation of carotenoids that discolor the skin.
  • Medication interactions– Papain interacts negatively with blood thinners and certain antibiotics so too much papaya can amplify their effects.
  • Allergic reactions– Some people have latex and papaya allergies that can trigger reactions including itching, swelling, and breathing issues with too much.
  • Low blood pressure– The enzymes in papain help widen blood vessels which may cause blood pressure to drop too low in some people.
  • Miscarriage risks– Unripe or semi-ripe papaya contains latex that may stimulate contractions so should be avoided in pregnancy.
  • Kidney stones– Too much vitamin C found in foods like papaya may increase the risk of kidney stones in those susceptible.
  • Liver problems– The risk of liver damage is theoretically possible with megadoses of vitamin A from papaya though not proven.

To avoid these side effects, stick to recommended serving sizes and moderate your intake of papaya based on your individual health status and needs.

What Are Some Tasty Ways To Eat Papaya When You Have A Cough?

Here are some delicious recipe ideas to help you enjoy the beneficial properties of papaya when trying to get over a stubborn cough:

  • Papaya smoothie– Blend cubed papaya with yogurt, honey or maple syrup, and vanilla extract for a soothing beverage. The cool smoothie texture also relieves coughs.
  • Tropical fruit salad– Mix diced papaya with pineapple, mango, and bananas topped with a squeeze of lime juice and mint.
  • Papaya oatmeal– Cook oats in milk then top with fresh papaya slices and a drizzle of honey. Oats help reduce coughing.
  • Papaya popsicles– Blend papaya with orange juice and freeze in popsicle molds for cooling relief.
  • Papaya sorbet– Purée ripe papaya in a food processor then freeze to make a sweet, creamy treat perfect for sore throats.
  • Papaya salsa– Mix diced papaya, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and citrus juice for a unique salsa to put on fish, pork, or poultry.
  • Green papaya salad– Use shredded unripe papaya, carrots, chili pepper, and lime juice to make this classic Thai salad.
  • Grilled papaya– Brush wedges with honey and grill for 5 minutes until lightly charred for added flavor.
  • Papaya noodles– Use a spiralizer or julienne peeler to cut raw papaya into noodle shapes to mix into salads for crunch.

Take advantage of papaya’s natural sweetness and versatility while also benefiting from its healing properties when your cough has you feeling under the weather.

Frequently Asked Questions About Papaya and Coughs

###Q: Does papaya help coughs?

A: Yes, papaya has several properties that can help relieve coughs. The enzyme papain thins mucus, vitamin C fights infection, and the soothing texture coats sore throats. Papaya’s anti-inflammatory effects also reduce swelling that triggers coughs.

###Q: Is papaya good for a cold?

A: Papaya is an excellent food to eat when you have a cold. Its vitamin C boosts immunity while its enzymes clear congestion. It also provides needed hydration, nutrients, and antioxidants. Papaya has traditionally been used to aid recovery from colds and flu.

###Q: Can papaya irritate a cough?

A: For most people papaya does not irritate coughs. However, those with latex or papaya allergies could experience throat irritation or discomfort. Very unripe papaya also contains latex that could theoretically aggravate coughs in sensitive people.

###Q: Does papaya help with mucus?

A: Yes, papaya contains papain and chymopapain enzymes that essentially help “digest” or break down mucus making it thinner and easier to clear from the lungs and sinuses. It’s vitamin A and vitamin C also keep mucus membranes healthy.

###Q: Is papaya anti-inflammatory?

A: Yes, papaya has anti-inflammatory properties due to enzymes like papain and chymopapain as well as antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin C. Reducing inflammation associated with coughs, colds, sore throats, and bronchitis can help minimize symptoms.

###Q: Can I give my child papaya for a cough?

A: Yes, ripe papaya is safe for children over 1 year old. Its soothing texture, vitamin C, and hydration can help relieve coughs. Some pediatricians recommend mixing mashed papaya with honey as a natural cough syrup for kids. Ask your doctor about appropriate serving sizes.

###Q: Does coconut milk help relieve coughs?

A: Coconut milk can help soothe sore throats which may reduce coughing. It also provides hydration. Combining it with anti-inflammatory and mucus-clearing foods like papaya and honey maximizes its cough-relieving effects.

###Q: Is pineapple good for coughs?

A: Yes, pineapple contains bromelain enzymes and vitamin C like papaya that help thin mucus, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity involved with coughs. Pineapple juice or pineapple mixed with papaya can help relieve coughs.

###Q: Can I eat papaya if I take blood thinners?

A: You should avoid eating large amounts of papaya if you take blood-thinning medications as papain interacts with these drugs and enhances their effects. Small amounts should not be an issue but check with your doctor.


In summary, papaya is generally a safe and nutritious food that can provide several beneficial effects for people suffering from coughs and colds. Its vitamin C boosts immunity while the papain enzyme thins mucus to help clear congestion and make coughs more productive. Papaya’s naturally soothing texture also relieves cough-induced sore throats. Combining papaya with honey maximizes the cough-relieving and throat-soothing effects.

While excessively high amounts can cause adverse reactions, papaya is a healthy food that can be safely enjoyed in moderation as part of an overall cough-fighting diet. Consult your doctor if your cough persists or about any negative interactions with the medications you take. Otherwise, consider integrating more papaya into your meals when struggling with a stubborn cough or cold.

Faizan Ahmad

Faizan Ahmad is a passionate medical writer and health enthusiast. He joined Quick Medico in 2023 as a place to provide reliable information and resources about health, diseases, and wellness topics.

Now as the editor-in-chief of Quick Medico, Faizan leads a team of experienced medical writers and health professionals. His goal is to make complex health topics easy to understand and provide readers with practical information to improve their health and well-being.

Outside of work, Faizan enjoys being in nature, reading non-fiction books, and spending time with friends and family. He brings his natural curiosity and passion for lifelong learning to every article he writes or edits for Quick Medico. Faizan lives in Islamabad, Pakistan, and looks forward to continuing to grow Quick Medico into a leading health information site that empowers readers to take control of their health.

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